
Groeneveld-BEKA specializes in the lubrication of machines that are often used in harsh conditions. This enables Groeneveld-BEKA to offer automatic lubrication systems that are perfectly suited for use in the demanding agricultural sector.

To keep your agricultural business running smoothly: Overcoming maintenance challenges

For a farm to work efficiently, the machinery must be well maintained. However, agriculture faces several challenges in this area.

First, it can be difficult to maintain proper maintenance schedules, especially during peak season when qualified personnel can be overworked. Secondly, manual lubrication can be time-consuming and expose workers to potential safety risks, such as slipping due to grease or trapped fingers.

Groeneveld-BEKA automatic lubrication systems offer a solution to these common problems.

Less downtime

Automatic lubrication ensures that the machines are supplied with grease at precise intervals, minimizing wear and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

Higher productivity

When your machines are running smoothly, you can concentrate on what's important - maximizing your farm's profits.

Lower maintenance costs

Fewer breakdowns and a longer appliance service life lead to considerable cost savings in the long term.

Improved work efficiency

By eliminating manual greasing routines, you gain valuable time for your staff.

Increased security

Automatic systems eliminate the need for workers to enter hazardous areas or moving parts for lubrication.

Environmentally friendly

The precise application of the grease minimizes waste and potential environmental pollution.

Find the right product for you!

Groeneveld-BEKA's automatic lubrication systems offer a high-performance solution for agricultural machinery

Products suitable for agriculture

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